An Opera in Five Acts

An Opera in Five Acts” invites you to take part in its course of production. Commissioned for the exhibition A House of Leaves at DRAF, the Vision Forum group composed of Fatos Ustek and Per Huttner with Ariella Yedgar, Joel Vacheron, Annalisa Sonzogni, Jean Louis Huhta, Anna Berglind and Manuela Ribadeniera produces a metaphorical approach, yet an imaginary opera. This unconventional art opera is made up of five accumulative acts, each of which sources information from all of the previous events.

You are kindly asked to RSVP for one, more or all of the acts by writing to: info (at)

Act I – 17.11.2012: “The Libretto”. Ariella Yedgar, Annalisa Sonzogni and Fatos Üstek invite you to take part in, and contribute to, the writing of the libretto for the Opera.
Act II – 15.12.2012: “The Orchestra”. Please be invited to join Joel Vacheron, Manuela Ribenadeneira, Annalisa Soznogni, Fatos Ustek and Per Huttner for the creation of musical instruments (made out of everyday objects, trash, toys etc.) for the Opera, based on the characters profiled at ACT I.
Act III – 19.1.2013: “The Performers and their Costumes”. Annalisa Sonzogni, Manuela Ribadeneira and Fatos Üstek invite you to take part in this act that investigates the role of the performers on stage and in the orchestra and in the audience.
Act IV – 26.1.2013: “The Stage”. Per Hüttner, Anna Berglind and Annalisa Sonzogni together create a stage for the opera that will make use of the libretto, special sounds by Jean Louis Huhta and instruments created in act II.
Act V – 9.2.2013: “The Music”. Jean Louis Huhta will compose/DJ/play music for the opera. He invites you to use the instruments created in Act II and the recordings of Acts I–IV.

The Opera forms a part of “Fig.5,” which arises from DRAF’s continuing interest to test various modalities of knowledge-production inside a contemporary art institution. It has a fixed temporal and process-based approach. It is structured in weekend sessions with the three courses running during the same day. To find out more about the project, click here and for press pictures contact:
info (at)